
EFIS Homepage

The European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) is an umbrella organization that represents more than 14,000 individual members from 35 member societies in 31 European countries (all European Union member states and all other European states) and reaches beyond the classical European boundaries to Russia, Turkey and Israel.

International Union of Immunological Societies - IUIS

The International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) is an umbrella organization for many of the regional and national societies of immunology throughout the world.

Videos about Immunology on the web (not sponsored / produced by EFIS)

The Bonn Cluster of Excellence "ImmunoSensation" celebrates the 2017 DoI (in German)

Introduction to how the immune system works

Immunology Overview

Introduction to Clinical Immunology

Basic Immunology: Nuts and Bolts of the Immune System

The Immune System

Youtube Playlists on immunology, armando hasudungan

Youtube Playlists on immunology, University of California Television

Fairytale Kingdom (mp4, download)